Heroes with Clay Feet
A friend wrote: your reflections on Hidden Value-coincidentally,that was the topic of conversation over dinner last nite-we had a friend over-he has just finished his doctoral thesis in OB in the US on Heroism in Ordinary Lives with special focus on immigrants out there.Some of the stories of courage & heroism of ordinary people in their day to day lives were really moving.We then got around to chatting about our kids today having no role models to look upto-even the Bill Gates' of the world hv their own clay feet-everybody propogates rank consumerism-men in public lives are examples of how one shd not lead their lives-where do our young derive inspiration from? ....In our generation,ordinary people doing extraordinary things seems more to be the order of the day whereas the so called heroes turn out to be anti heroes instead. ( The story of the 'fallen' Indian cricketers is a case in point. Their son a budding young cricketer hero-worshipped Azhar - now feels shattered by the 'God' who failed him).